On July 9, 2013 Professor Serhiy Komisarenko - a prominent Ukrainian scientist, Member of the National Academy of Sciences and of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine is  70. Serhiy has a lot of awards, titles and duties (though mainly public or linked to charities) but we value him not because of titles and duties but as an outstanding personality and a wonderful colleague who made so much for Ukrainian Science as well as for Ukraine being a statesman, diplomat and a public figure.

On his Birthday (July 9) Serhiy Vassillievitch  won’t be in Kyiv. He will be in Saint Petersburg co-chairing the section “Biochemistry for Medicine” at the European Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (FEBS Congress-2013).

To attract attention  of scientific community  to the recent progress in Biomedical Sciences and to mark Professor Komisarenko contribution into Science we decided to organize an International Conference “Biochemistry and Biotechnology for Modern Medicine” in Kyiv on September 19-20, 2013. Professor B.Paton, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor R.Bogatyreva, Minister of Health of Ukraine and Professor A.Serdiuk, President of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine kindly agreed to be honorable co-chairs of this Conference. Many prominent scientists have expressed their interest and wish to participate in the Conference and some of them (from 11 countries) have already contributed articles to be published in a special monograph. Special issues of the “Ukrainian Biochemical Journal” and of “Acta Biotechnologia” as well as S.Komisarenko Biobibliography will be also published  by the Conference.

Congratulations and a small concert are foreseen at 16:00 on September 20, 2013 by the end of the Conference “Biochemistry and Biotechnology for Modern Medicine” at the House of Teachers where the Conference takes place. The address is: 57, Volodimirska Street, Kyiv.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee

First Vice-President, Natl.Acad.Med.Sci. of Ukraine, Professor

                                                                                                                                  Uriy Kundiev

Organizing Committee Address:

9 Leontovicha Street, Kyiv-30, 01601, Ukraine

Palladin Institute of Biochemistry

Tel: +38044-2345974, +38044-2341345, Fax: +38044-2796365,

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