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Міжнародне співробітництво

Шановні колеги! Зверніть, будь ласка, увагу на нижче наведену інформацію під заголовком «Fellowship possibility 2009 Palladin Institute of Biochemistry NASci of Ukraine
Kiev, Ukraine

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is a pleasure to enclose information on a fellowship possibilities at our Maria
Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Gliwice Branch.
Already for 11 years we are running a Fellowship Program for young cancer researchers
in this part of Europe. Five of our former fellows have been working on doctor degree
theses that were highly rated and later on defended in Poland.

  Program encompasses two types of fellowships. Long-term type granted from one to three years and supported due to generosity of National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, USA. The other type is short-term from one to three months supported by National Committee UNESCO.

Our research laboratories have good-standard facilities and an experienced research staff.
For details, please see our internet site: www.cd.io.gliwice.pl

Please transfer this information to other research centers and these colleagues who
might be interested.

With best regards.

Mieczyslaw Chorazy
Program Coordinator

Fellowship possibility January, 2009
  I am pleased to announce that within the frames of our Fellowship Program supported by National Cancer Institute (USA) there are open three long-term (1 or 2 years) fellowships for young cancer research scientists, who are willing to work in Research Division at our Center of Oncology in Gliwice. Our Research Division encompasses a number of laboratories working on several projects in the field of experimental and clinical oncology, cell biology, genetics and radiobiology. We have well experienced staff and good laboratory facilities. 
For detailes see: www.cd.io.gliwice.pl.

Long-term fellowships

Eligibility requirements
  1. Candidates must have M.Sc. or Ph.D. (or equivalent) degree and basic proficiency in laboratory work. 
  2. Preferred are candidates possessing university level of education in biochemistry, biology, genetics or biomedicine. 
  3. Candidates must have knowledge of English, sufficient enough for easy communication. Knowledge of basic Polish will be welcome, but is not obligatory.

General conditions
  1. Fellowship Program covers monthly subsistence allowance in Polish zloty equivalent  to $700 ( for fellows with M.Sc. degree) or $750 (with Ph.D. degree) and $2500 per year for laboratory consumable materials.
2. Fellowship Program does not cover travel expenses to and from Gliwice.
  3. Fellowship Program does not cover personal insurance. The successful candidate is advised to arrange insurance in her/his home country.
4. Fellow are eligible to apply once a year for reimbursement for active participation
in international meetings and symposia held in Europe. 
Applicants must submit the following documents:
a) Curriculum Vitae
b) List of publications
c) A letter of recommendation from a two senior scientists with recognized scientific status
d) Field of interest statement

Short-term fellowships (1-3 months), e.g. to learn methods, are also available. Eligibility and documents as abowe. The subsistence allowance amounts 1.350 Polish zloty per month. 
This fellowship is founded by the Polish Committee UNESCO

For more detailed information please contact:

  Prof. M. Chorazy, Program Coordinator Department of Tumor Biology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Gliwice Branch, Wybrzeze Armii Krajowej 15, 44-1O1 GLIWICE – POLAND, e-mail: 
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Please post this information to other research centers where there might be people
interested in this offer.

Thank you.
Prof. M. Chorazy



1.Dear colleagues,
The 2009 FEBS Congress will take place in Prague between July 4th and 9th 2009.
Our Czech colleagues have prepared a diverse program () presenting a wide range of the latest achievements in biochemistry and molecular biology. 
The policy of FEBS is to have its Congresses addressing the younger generation of
life-scientists, in order to provide them with an updated wide spectrum of
research results.


Tatiana Borisova, Ph.D. in biochemistry,
Foreign Secretary, Ukrainian Biochemical Society,
Senior Scientist

2.Dear Colleagues,

The IUBMB Special Meeting will take place in Marrakech, Morocco, April 20-25,
2009, a joint event organized together with the Moroccan Society of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology (it will be the 3rd International Congress of this Society),
the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and
the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

The deadline for abstract submission, reduced registration fees and reduced
accommodation fees, is November 30, 2008. The website of the Congress- (http://www.smbbm.org)


Tatiana Borisova, Ph.D. in biochemistry,
Foreign Secretary, Ukrainian Biochemical Society,
Senior Scientist

3. Dear Colleagues,

The Regional Cooperation for Health, Science and Technology (RECOOP HST)
Consortium proposed a list of the research activities and would like to invite
PhD students of our Institute under the umbrella of the Visegrad Scholarship,
submission deadline on 31/01/2009. (http://www.visegradfund.org/scholarships.html)
Successful applicants within this scheme will receive scholarships of EUR 2,500/semester.


Tatiana Borisova, Ph.D. in biochemistry,
Foreign Secretary, Ukrainian Biochemical Society,
Senior Scientist

Tatiana Borisova, Ph.D. in biochemistry,
Foreign Secretary, Ukrainian Biochemical Society,
Senior Scientist,
Dept. Neurochemistry Palladin Institute of Biochemistry NAS of Ukraine
Tel. +38 044 234 32 54; Fax: +38 044 279 63 65
e-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Subject:Information about Last Chance to Submit Papers - 5th International Congress of
NanoBio & Clean Tech 2008 - Oct. 27-30, San Francisco, CA Dear Colleague:
We are pleased to announce that the 5th International Congress of Nano-Bio & Clean
Tech will be held on October 27-30 at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel.
The event will feature more than 100 distinguished speakers from 25 countries
discussing the latest scientific advancement, state-of-the art product development
and business opportunities in nanotechnology, nanobiotechnology, and clean tech.
More information about the event will be available in the coming weeks on our
web site at http://www.ianano.org.
If you are interested in a speaking opportunity or presenting a poster at the
Congress please complete an online speaker form:
The deadline to submit an abstract has been extended to June 30, 2008.
· Nanomaterials
· Nanoparticles
· Nanodevices
· Nanoelectronics
· Nanofabrication
· Nanobiotechnology
· Nano scale characterization
· Standards & Nomenclature
· Nano Tools
· Molecular Engineering
· Nano Manufacturing
· Nanoparticles Toxicology
· Heath Safety Implications
· Renewable Energy
· Biofuels
· Photovoltaic
· Electric Car
· Sustainable Energy Public Policy
· Nanostructured Solar Cell Manufacturing
· Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer
· Venture capital investment & Investment Opportunities
· Education & Workforce Training
· Societal & Environmental Impacts
and other related topics
Warmest regards,
Ken Heiman
Outreach Director
International Association of Nanotechnology
1290 Parkmoor Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126
Fax. 408-280-6255
Email: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
International Association of Nanotechnology
1290 Parkmoor Avenue - San Jose, CA 95126 US

Subject: Information for the members of the Ukrainian Biochem. Society
Conference Reminder (Flyer)
ESF-COST High-Level Research Conference on Systems Chemistry
Chair: Gunter von Kiedrowski, Ruhr University Bochum, DE
Co-Chair: Dieter Schinzer, University of Magdeburg, DE 3-8 October 2008
Hotel Villa del Mare, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy
Closing Date for Applications: 24 June 2008
Some grants are available for young researchers to cover the conference fee
and travel costs. Grant requests can be made by ticking appropriate field(s) in
the paragraph "Grant application" on the application form:
ESF Research Conferences - Application form
Further information: ESF Research Conferences or contact
Ms. Antje Teegler (Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.)

- У рамках протоколів про співпрацю з зарубіжними академіями: Інститут
захисту рослин Угорської академії наук; Інститут біокібернетики та біомедичної
інженерії та Інститут експериментальної біології ім. Ненцького ПАН; Інститут
біоорганічної хімії Білоруської АН; Шандунський технологічний інститут, КНР.
За грантами: Університет Стоні Брук, США; Університет м. Шеффілд, Великобританія;
Інститут молекулярної фізіології ім. Макса-Планка, м. Дортмунд, ФРН;
Ін-тут біохімії та фізіології мікроорганізмів РАН; Університет м. Лунд,
Швеція; Інститут води та навколишнього середовища, Данія; Університет м. Нью Кастл,
Великобританія; Еллінський Інститут Пастера, Греція; Інститут експериментальної
біології ім. Ненцького ПАН. З академіями наук СНД : РАН - Ін-тут біохімії;
Ін-тут біоорганічної хімії; Інститут білка, БАН - Інститут біоорганічної хімії;
Гродненський медичний інститут.

- За договорами із закордонними науковими центрами: Великобританія: лабораторія
фізіології Ліверпульського університету, Кардіффський університет, університет
м.Шеффілд США: лабораторія Дж. Холланда Американського Червоного Хреста,
Університет ім. Томаса Джеферсона, м. Філадельфія,; Японія. Національний
онкологічний центр Японії
- На основі двосторонніх угод про співробітництво між міністерствами: Інститут
Пастера, Париж, Франція; Технопарк м. Шандунь, КНР; Ілдіс технічний університет,
Стамбул, Туреччина
- За договором з Польським біохімічним товариством.

Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7)
Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7)
EU research:
EU research
Seventh Framework Programme:
Seventh Framework Programme
Information on research programmes and projects:
Information on research programmes and projects
RTD info magazine:
RTD info magazine Information requests:
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Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)
Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU)
Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU)
The U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF)
The U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF)
The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
NIH Grant Preparation
Application Types:
• UNSOLICITED – you choose the topic
• SOLICITED - NIH’s preferred topics
– Program Announcements (PA)
– Requests for Applications (RFA)
Helpful Web Sites:
• NEW NIH Grant Training Web Site
NEW NIH Grant Training Web Site
• Provides overview and training on all aspects of the NIH grant process including:
– Grant Application Basics
– Grants Process Overview
– Types of Grant Programs
– How to Apply
– Peer Review Process
– Award Management
– NIH Financial Operations
– Award Information & Data
• NIH Electronic Submission Training: NIH Electronic Submission Training
• NIH Grants Policy and Guidelines: http://grants2.nihNIH Grants Policy and Guidelines
• SF424 Instructions and Forms: SF424 Instructions and Forms
• PHS398 Instructions and Forms: PHS398 Instructions and Forms:
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)