
The Abstract Deadline is Fast Approaching!
You have less than 2 weeks to Submit your abstract for poster presentation, or for consideration as a ‘Speed Talk’ or as a ‘Short Talk’ integrated into one of the Congress Symposia.
Submit now and be part of the 42nd FEBS Congress!

Accepted abstracts will be displayed on the Congress website and app, and collated in an online supplement of The FEBS Journal.
View full list of abstract topics
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 8, 2017

Congress Bursaries for Early-Career Researchers
Early-career researchers presenting their work at FEBS 2017 may be eligible to apply for a FEBS or ISBMB Congress bursary to support their participation.
The application deadline for a FEBS Bursary is: May 4th, 2017
The application deadline for the ISBMB Bursary is: May 8th, 2017


We look forward to welcoming you in Jerusalem in September!

Professor Tatiana Borisova, Ph.D., D. Sc.
Head, the Dept. of Neurochemistry,
Foreign Secretary, the Ukrainian Biochemical Society,
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry NAS of Ukraine
9 Leontovicha Str., 01601, Kiev, Ukraine
Tel. +38 044 234 32 54; Fax. +38 044 279 63 65
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